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Tech Safe Systems Ltd an Outreach Ltd company is commit ed to achieving sustained growth, profitability and innovation. TSS at all times, strives to provide exceptional service and project performance of the highest quality in order to exceed client expectations, whilst maintaining an excellent record of safety, quality and reliability.


Every aspect of our business is driven by a number of shared company values. These are:


  • Our Vision: to help our clients by excelling in everything we do and by providing safety critical, high quality, dependable and reliable products that our customers can rely upon.

  • Our Mission: to achieve the goals of the business. In order to achieve this, we require the commitment, understanding and backing of the whole team in order for it to really succeed.

  • Team Mission: to be an exemplary company where the employees are proud to work, take pride in their work and are inspired to be the best they can be.

  • Product Mission: to continue developing new products that improve the safety, quality, customer requirements and delivery of all products, whilst maintaining a continual product improvement policy.

  • Social Mission: to offer excellent opportunities for local people through employment, training and graduate schemes - to work with and offer the 'Best of British'.


Our company values describe what is most important to us when conducting our business and underpin what TSS stands for. Our values form the foundation of the company, providing a base that is strong enough to present all employees with a common bond and a sense of purpose.


The way in which we behave and interact with one another and our clients must reflect these values. Establishing a set of core values provides us with a purpose beyond profit, enabling us to meet the growing expectations on TSS to operate in a socially, economically and environmentally responsible manner.






Tech Safe Systems Ltd.
Shuttleworth Close,
Gapton Hall Industrial Estate,
Great Yarmouth,
NR31 0NQ
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